Thursday 8 May 2014

#128 #QuestShawn

Just curious what a #hashtag will do to help locate the hundreds of schoolgirls from Nigeria?

I mean, aside from the screen time it gives #celebrities.

A friend on FB mentioned that it helps draw media attention to the story. But I tend to disagree. I find that the media was well (if not finally) reporting on the story, frequently. THEN came the #hashtag, and the Instagram selfie pics, and the Facebook #shares and #likes.

What this is going to take (if it's not already too late) is for International Government Aid, / Military Equipment /  and Man-Power on the ground and in the air.

It would seem that France, England and Canada are now getting involved. Hopefully The US will be as well.

#hastags and #likes don't find kidnapped school girls, they don't cure cancer in infants, and they shouldn't be the deciding factor for children to get a puppy/kitten/bunny/etc.

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