Tuesday, 25 February 2014

#056 CorrecShawns

Remember yesterday, when I said, “Now if cleaning up all the errors my co-worker made in the past two weeks was as easy… ”

Yea, that.

I don’t know why some employees remain when others are laid off.

I think, that if the Dept had just been closed down for the two weeks I was off, and I had to deal with all the orders for those two weeks now; that I’d be so much farther ahead of the game.

It boggles the mind, no, it boggles the soul. 

We’re all of us human, and we’re going to make mistakes. To be sure, I've made my share, but in the last two years alone I haven't cost the company near half a million dollars in errors. Why that person is still there, I do not know. Respect and sympathy for a person’s age should only get you so far. 

When I come back from vacations I shiver at the ineptitude I discover over the following weeks, if not months.  And so far, 2 days back I've had to process 4 credit/rebills, I've found 2 incomplete orders and 1 missed order.


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