Tuesday, 11 February 2014

#042 My Olympic AspiraShawns

Just two days into my official vacation (Saturday and Sunday didn't count), if sleeping-in were an Olympic Event, I'd have thus far made it through the quarter-finals.  And my intentions are to medal.

When I was young, sleeping in was a given, but these days I fight to remain in bed past 7am. For some, that might sound like a dream come true, for me it's a nightmare.

If I had credit one thing for helping me in my competition thus far, I'd say it was our marathon viewings of the Winter Olympics.  Watching all these athletes force themselves to reach faster, higher, stronger is exhausting.  I can barely manage to watch all that they are doing! 

If I had to credit two things, the second would be the blue bippies (aka Extra Strength Tylenol PM)  I've been taking when I go to bed at night... not so much to get me to sleep, but to keep me asleep. 

Okay, so I'm not necessarily competing cleanly, but I'm willing to do what it takes, by any means to make it to the top of the podium. 

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