Monday, 3 February 2014

#034 Reverse-DelegaShawn

Another crap day at work, but something changed.

I was alone in the department today, my co-worker took a personal day, as well the Accounts Receivable girl was not in. The Auditors are still in the office, and it was month end for Finance. 

I was everyone's best friend and most needed co-worker. By 9:30am I had a list of 11 'urgent request', another 6 'can I have by noon?'  4 'by end of the day, please' and 2 leftovers from Friday afternoon.  At 10 AM anyone that came to my desk, and they kept on coming in a steady stream, were answered with the following; "No. Sorry. I won't be able to accommodate your request. Please speak to my Manager and he will assign your request if he feels it necessary." 

I got a few looks, and an "Are you kidding?"  I politely showed them the list and said, it's not going to happen. One of the Finance Department said they would be addressing this to my Boss' Manager when she returned from Vacation. I said that's a perfectly reasonable reaction for someone from a department of eight employees that expects their work to be done by one person from a department of five, who was already doing the work of three people. I'm sure she'll be very understanding to your needs.

I don't think I've ever said 'No" so much in my life. And I'll tell you what, it felt AMAZING!

Up until Friday of last week, I'd just keep letting people dump their crap work on my desk and would just barrel through, often taking a very late lunch or none at all.  Well no more. 

I am certainly a team player, but there are limits. I want my direct Manager to see just exactly what is being asked of me from other departments, on top of my expected duties.  We're in the midst of our annual review and set up of our personal objectives for the following year. I realized after completing my part of the review, just how much of other people's work I am doing.  If he want's me to do it, I'll do it, but something from my existing deliverable will have to be removed. 

In the mean time, if you need something from me, go see my Boss first. 

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