Sunday, 23 February 2014

#054 Golden Accolade and Alien InvaShawn

I've done it.

I won Gold at the 1st Sleep Olympiad.

To be honest it should come as no real surprise... I was the only competitor.


A side effect of all the extra sleep and my overall restfulness of the past two weeks has been increased dream activity.  Most of it was just the repetitious dreams each night that would continue after I'd wake up in the night and just continue on once I got back to sleep. 

To be honest most were hardly news-worthy, and not worth repeating. Most I could delve into lucidly after waking up and going back to sleep two or three or four times during the night. All except for one night. Last night...

It was a long standing re-occurring dream I'll have once every year or so. I've been having it now for a good 15-20 years. I've never really taken that much notice of it, recorded dates or times. Which, all things considered, has me kicking myself in the pants for that now.  I have other re-occurring dreams but this one is different.

This particular dream vary somewhat over time. What remains the same is the fact that it is about an alien invasion of Earth, and they always take place at home (Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia). While other re-occurring dreams I have will be set in different locations, the Alien Invasion one is always at home. 

The other facts that remain the same are:

The invasion comes out of nowhere.  There is no warning, no notice. No one is prepared. The sky instantaneously fills with hundreds, if not thousands of alien aircraft. As far as you can see there are star-ships, war-craft of every type and dimension, from right above us to the horizon. No matter where you look, 360', there are craft flying.

All of the alien ships are always flying from the South-East towards the North-West.

There is no direct violence in view, but it can always be heard in the distance, and the glow of fire and explosions, as well as the sounds of aircraft (theirs and ours) exploding and crashing into the ground.

And finally, even after those times where it repeats within the night, I have never been able to enter or re-enter the dram lucidly. I always have to let it continue without my interfering, and it never ends well for us.

While I never wake up from these dreams like I do from some night-mares, I always wake up with the same feeling, and that is total defeat. But that's not the worst part, for me it's the first glimpse of the ships in the air, and that the keep on coming and coming and coming, there is no end, and you just feel so small and insignificant and weak, knowing that this is the end. 

With this dream, that is always what remains with me... from the moment I wake up, and usually for hours if not days after. And nothing I've ever been able to do allows me to change that outcome...


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