Day three of four...
Exhaustion is beginning to set in. And god-forbid I did something tonight I've never done before... brought work home.
I managed to do just a little over 22 weeks of filing. Well, I didn't file from home, I brought the stack of papers hone, sorted and arranged them so that I can just put everything in the filing cabinets in a couple of minutes.
It took just a little over an hour, but just that would have taken more than 3 at the office, with people coming to my desk, clients calling and other assorted other interruptions. Normally i try and do it once every 2 weeks, but once it gets out of hand, it's like some monster consuming your desk. And there was no way this beast was getting its due slaying with the way things have been going lately.
It took just a little over an hour, but just that would have taken more than 3 at the office, with people coming to my desk, clients calling and other assorted other interruptions. Normally i try and do it once every 2 weeks, but once it gets out of hand, it's like some monster consuming your desk. And there was no way this beast was getting its due slaying with the way things have been going lately.
I'm glad did it, but hope I never have to bother doing it again. (Fingers crossed)
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