Tuesday, 7 January 2014

#007 Corporate Re-organizaShawn

Dodging the Corporate Restructuring Bullet is not easy. I was successful today. Thankfully.

I've seen about a dozen small to large lay-offs in the company I work for, in my 7 1/2 years so far. Knock wood, I've made it through all of them. 

When you see a couple upper management types walk into your department and close the door, you know the axe is falling. The question is 'where'?

As much as you feel bad for those that are gone, you have to hold on to the fact that you're still there, you still have a job. And you have to not dwell on the nagging question that want's your undivided attention... 'could I be next?' 

The truth is, any of us could be next and there's very little you can do to be avoid being one of the next unlucky drones. You can pour your heart and soul into your job, be a model employee, be with the company for 3 years or 18+. It makes no difference. I've seen that today.

Most cuts, when you really look at it, make sense. Today was not the case. I'm sure if you did a poll in the office, no one that was escorted out would have been on the list. Not that you would wish this on anyone, but knowing looks and water cooler fodder quickly provides an alternate short list.

But for now I'm going to have to put all that behind me, as I'm being called into Mr Vodka's Office... 

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