Wednesday, 1 January 2014

#001 ResoluShawn

I'm not a fan of New Year's Resolutions. I think as humans we already fail at so much that we attempt, why add to that unending list?! Sure we all have victories in life, from the small: not breaking the yolk as you 'over-easy' that egg, to the medium: first step or potty-training, to the large: quitting smoking after 23 years, to the extra-large: not bitch-slapping every idiot you meet, each and every day.

I've succeeded and I've failed at New Year's Resolutions.

No soda/pop. (pure hell!)
No chocolate. (purer hell!)
Gym membership - Going to the gym at least once a week. (purest hell!)

Gym membership going to the gym at least twice a week (lasted 5 weeks)
Quit smoking (attempt #1 lasted about 1 week, attempt #2 lasted about a month, attempt #3 lasted 67 days)
Not cursing. (lasted a couple of hours)

What I realized in retrospect, is that the times I was successful were the times I pro-actively decided that the resolutions would last only 365 days. The times where I wanted them to go on and on and on, I failed... Self-sabotage, or am I just a person that works better with a deadline or end-date?  

So... maybe that bodes well for this blog, after-all it's meant to be a post a day for one year.  Not that this blog is my New Year's Resolution. My Resolution is this...

...I am going to learn how to play an instrument. Now please note (pun intended), I did not say "play an instrument well". No, I will make no such aspirations. I'm nothing if not realistic... and pessimistic.  

The instrument I have chosen is the Irish Tin Whistle. Why? Well, to be honest I love Irish / Celtic Music. And, I remember years ago receiving a Tin Whistle from my Grandmother Newbury one Easter.  I don't think I ever picked it up and tried to play it, partially because there was no book or guide, but also... I was a kid. 

I've always regretted not trying. So now's my chance to change that. 2014 will be... the Year I learn how to play the Irish Tin Whistle. 

Stay 'tuned'.

God help us all... 
...especially Marcel and the dogs.

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