Sunday, 3 August 2014

#215 Premature Floral DepleShawn

Autumn has come early to our balcony.

Unfortunately because of construction and repairs to the Condo's roof and the balconies, we had to remove everything from the balcony today. So my beautiful flowers that have been a source of beauty and pride for the past 11 weeks has come to a premature ending.

This year, it is not the cooler/frosty conditions of our northern Autumn to dictate the hibernation and cleaning out of our urban garden oasis; it is construction workers.

But I could not say good-bye to all the flowers. I managed to save our Dragon's Wing Impatiens.  It's just simply far to lush and beautiful to have send to the curb. So it shall remain on our kitchen island for the following week or so until the roofers have gone and the balconies have been removed and replaced by new construction. Then he will be the center of focus and beauty on our new deck.

Until then I shall mourn and remember our summer Eden.

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